Welcome to Puppy Academy Training Classes

Your puppy’s very own socialisation and learning school

Our Puppy Academy Training classes offer a series of courses including follow-on courses as your puppy grows, with a coloured rosette at every level. Book now!

The puppy classes are held at Greatford Village Hall and serve the following areas: Stamford, Bourne, Deeping, Spalding & Werrington plus outlying areas. Classes are small, provide essential, sensible socialisation, training for obedience, and life skills so your puppy becomes a calm, happy adult dog.

Sensible Socialisation

Learn how to meet other dogs and owners, the right way! Socialisation should never just be a free-for-all, which teaches pups to barge, claim items/places and can be pretty scary for pups that need a bit more time. Instead at our puppy classes, you and your puppy will learn sensible play, and ways to greet others calmly and sociably.

Better Behaviour

Learn the best way to get a sensible, calm and happy adult dog, with the help of qualified, experienced trainer and behaviourist Karen Wild CCAB. Life skills for puppies include how to handle mouthing, nipping, jumping up and teaching the puppy how to control themselves better.

Training and obedience

Our owners come back to us and say how pleased they are they attended Puppy Academy, because they now have a dog that is obedient and listens to commands.

You will also learn plenty of fun things to do with your dog. A busy dog is a tired and contented dog.

It’s ‘owner academy’ too!

It’s you doing the teaching. I show you how to be the best owner you can be. You can bring other family members – well-behaved children and adults are welcome!

Book now! It’s £95 for the 5 week course, held on Saturdays (9am) at Greatford Village Hall (indoors and outdoors). Select the class you’d like to attend using the form link below.

Payment will reserve your puppy’s space, and I don’t mind if you want to book ahead, as we often have a waiting list. I want to help you with your plans for your pup’s future.

Join Puppy Academy Classes today using the button below – start your puppy’s journey!

Follow-on classes:

Your puppy’s training journey

Puppy Classes

Start with life skills and commands all pups need. A dog that fits into family life safely and happily. Puppy and adolescence are important times for training but we make it fun too. Rosette: Red

Fill out our Puppy Academy Application Form here.

Progress Classes

For our Puppy Academy Class graduates we offer follow-on Progress classes that build up throughout adolescence and beyond. Adolescence is a tricky time for dogs and families. We want to help you keep them learning and developing without causing problems. Rosettes: Yellow and Green.

Advanced Classes

Your puppy never stops learning, and they will always want to do more. A well-trained dog is a pleasure. Advanced classes teach you all sorts of handling skills, and help you and your dog bond in a way you never imagined was possible. Rosettes: Purple, White, Black and beyond!