
Start as you mean to go on! Puppy tips

Our new puppy classes started this week, with lots of enthusiastic owners! As well as the excitement of a new puppy, it is not without worry, so lots of [...]

Feeding your pets a natural diet

It’s a hot topic and we always want to give our dogs the very best in life, so today TV Vet Joe Inglis tells us about the benefits of [...]

Tempting treats for training

This is a fabulous recipe that makes the perfect training treat. It has come from Dr Muriel Brasseur of the Oxford Animal Behaviour Centre. Let’s get cooking! Luscious Liver [...]

Get results by training your dog

Training your dog really is the answer. Ever felt like giving up when your dog doesn’t behave? These tips are for you. For the hundredth time of apologising to [...]

What does your dog want?

This might be far too simple on first glance. I am sure you are all thinking things like ‘my lap’; ‘walks’; ‘my slippers’! Are dogs the simple creatures we [...]

Firm, fair, but not force

With supposedly ‘modern’ dog training, criticism is often leveled at methods that involve using treats or toys to teach new skills. Concerns exist about ‘giving in’ or somehow making [...]

But my dog still isn’t trained?

Dog training is not something you just do for a few weeks at puppy class. It has to last for the life of your dog. Train your dog to [...]

Make vet visits fun for your dog!

Vet visits don’t have to be a worry for you or your beloved dog. One minute they can be happy, next minute, they can be a timid little misery-bundle. [...]

Should I get another dog?

More than one dog at home? Problems? Or want to add a dog to your doggy family? It’s time to weigh up the facts and think long and hard [...]

Doggy gateau treat temptation

A fantastic recipe for a “Greyt” Gourmet Liver Gateau submitted by the Lincolnshire Greyhound Trust. Why not cook up one of these fabulous treats for your favourite furry friend. [...]

Kids miss danger signs in dogs

Ever caught yourself hugging your dog? Whispering secrets into its velvety non-judgemental ears? How about during training when you might be making it wait for its toy when it [...]

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