I am often asked if it is a good idea to get two puppies at the same time, or maybe get another dog when one is a little older. Not many people ask me if they should consider homing a pair of rescue dogs! Imagine, though, how distressing it might be for one dog to be separated from its long-term companion. Well, here is a fab charity Oldies Club to tell us why we might want to take a different view… take two!
Are two dogs better than one?
Oldies Club is a charity that specialises in rehoming dogs aged 7 years old and older, and works with other rescues around the UK to publicise the plight of their older dogs too. Oldies Club is regularly asked to help pairs of dogs who have lived together most of their lives. Often these dogs are quite dependent on each other, and it’s very hard on them to have to find homes separately after so many years.
Sadly, many people are reluctant to take on a pair, and rescues up and down the country report that pairs of dogs are hardest to rehome. But adopting a pair of dogs can be a really good plan for first time adopters or those who don’t currently have any other dogs in the house.
Dogs are companion animals and often don’t do well when left alone, so oldie pairs are particularly suitable for homes where the owner is out for much of a day, such as full-time working homes. You are less likely to come across problems such as separation anxiety.
And two dogs are so much more fun than one! Watching their schemes and antics, and how they interact and play with each other, is a really rewarding aspect of dog ownership while observing their relationship and getting to know their distinct personalities is a true privilege.
A quick training tip from me
If you have more than one dog, its well worth using their name before you give a command. That way, they will get used to the fact that you are referring to them, and not the other dog. Say their name, give them a treat, Say the other dog’s name, give them a treat. Repeat! Repeat! Then add in commands for each dog. Use the same command for each, then start to cary it – Dogs name – sit; 2nd dogs name – Down. And so on! Builds reliability and understanding!
You can see many pairs of inseparable oldie buddies currently looking for new homes on the Oldies Club. Or donate to support the Oldies Club in its mission!
– Karen Wild