In-person puppy visits

Need somebody right there to help show you what to do?

I offer in-person visits to your home or your pup’s usual walks, to guide you and your puppy in a practical way.

On this visit I can help you discuss the best home set-up for your pup and assess your puppy in-person. Nipping, mouthing, basic skills, but also housetraining and other essentials can be covered.

New puppy arriving soon?

Your puppy is going to be spending a lot of time with you, so let’s make sure everything is in place at home – you’ll be well prepared to welcome them.

I can also demonstrate hands-on training techniques too!

Contact me to discuss whether an in-person visit is the right option for you.

About Karen

I’m a Certificated Clinical Animal Behaviourist and Animal Behaviour
and Training Council Registered Animal Training Instructor (ABTC-ATI).

I’m a Certificated Clinical Animal Behaviourist and Animal Behaviour and Training Council Registered Animal Training Instructor (ABTC-ATI).