Are dogs and cats alike?

As dog owners we need to remember that just because a cat is a companion, comparing them to dogs is like comparing apples to oranges. There are marked differences [...]

How to keep your cats happy

A lot of us have super friendly cats – when they want to be. They enjoy fuss on their own terms. Some are all over us and can’t cope [...]

How to keep Christmas safe for our companions

Pets must wonder what on earth is happening when Christmas time arrives. Their usual routine and everyday potterings are turned upside down with the sudden appearance of a Christmas [...]

House training in winter

I always get more enquiries from dog owners on what to do about the increase in ‘little accidents’ indoors in wintertime. You may even have noticed that thanks to [...]

How to keep your Cat happy

A lot of us have super friendly cats – when they want to be. They enjoy fuss on their own terms. Some are all over us and can’t cope [...]

New toys for cats and dogs?

I was asked to research the latest ideas in the pet industry and found some brilliant ideas to help us all occupy our pets and generally look after them [...]

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