Get results by training your dog

Training your dog really is the answer. Ever felt like giving up when your dog doesn’t behave? These tips are for you. For the hundredth time of apologising to [...]

What does your dog want?

This might be far too simple on first glance. I am sure you are all thinking things like ‘my lap’; ‘walks’; ‘my slippers’! Are dogs the simple creatures we [...]

Make vet visits fun for your dog!

Vet visits don’t have to be a worry for you or your beloved dog. One minute they can be happy, next minute, they can be a timid little misery-bundle. [...]

Should I get another dog?

More than one dog at home? Problems? Or want to add a dog to your doggy family? It’s time to weigh up the facts and think long and hard [...]

Kids miss danger signs in dogs

Ever caught yourself hugging your dog? Whispering secrets into its velvety non-judgemental ears? How about during training when you might be making it wait for its toy when it [...]

Autumn joy with our dogs

I don’t know many people that say they hate Autumn. This time of year is most enjoyable for walking my dogs. Just enough warmth to wear a jumper and [...]

Do neighbours complain about your dog?

Is your dog a window-barking addict? Are your neighbours starting to complain? Or maybe you are the neighbour with the barking dog nuisance next door to you? Barking at [...]

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