Remember to play with your dog!
What a strange thing to suggest! Playing with your dog is something we all do, isn’t it? You’d be amazed how many pet dogs sit alone for long periods [...]
A career in dog walking
Dog walking is a great service that makes dogs lives far better if you need to go out to work. This blog post gives you an insight into the [...]
Big dog or small dog? Which is best?
I have small dogs. Four of them. We used to have one, then two. Then a puppy arrived and the ‘middle’ dog died, leaving me with an ancient rescue [...]
An essential dog safety rule – no doggy door dashing
I hope you are comfortable, listening carefully, because this might be something we could apply at home really quickly to make everyone’s lives easier – most of all, your [...]
Easter fun for your dog!
Never let your dogs eat chocolate! At least not the human kind! There, that’s got the essential safety information out of the way, now it is time for some [...]
What is the meaning of a dog tail wag?
Ah, the dog’s tail. Supposedly the barometer of their feelings. What does it mean when the dog wags his tail? Countless times I have been told by owners that [...]
Does my dog actually like being with me?
I saw a meme the other day about lockdown, saying that all the dogs are celebrating as we are meant to stay at home. However, I am still getting [...]
Nine fantastic facts about greyhounds
Greyhounds are pretty quiet on the whole when we see them being walked in my village. Who would think that these noble and striking dogs can change instantly into [...]
Are dogs and cats alike?
As dog owners we need to remember that just because a cat is a companion, comparing them to dogs is like comparing apples to oranges. There are marked differences [...]
Teach your dog a bow!
Here is a step by step guide to teaching your dog a bow. This is a trick that will help you to learn exactly how your dog can move his [...]