Positive ways to train your dog

Love is important, for other humans and for our pets. Did you know that petting your best friend (in this case a dog, but I suppose the choice is [...]

Stray dogs and the law

Who let the dog out? Is it a case of ‘Finders Keepers’ if your lost dog is found? What do you do if you find a dog running loose? [...]

It’s your dog poop – pick it up

On our training field today, preparing for a puppy class I ended up picking up four doggy deposits. Without wanting to sound indelicate, from the consistency I could tell [...]

Children petting your dog

We all pat the dog! Please don’t! Working with owners every day brings lots of stories about their problems with their dogs, but also their experiences in the community, [...]

Multi dog households

I saw an interesting ‘Bucket list’ the other day. A bucket list, if you are not sure what one is, is a list of things you really want to [...]

Why does my dog eat poo?

It affects so many, but it’s hardly talked about. Our lovely furry cuddly friends prove themselves to be revolting scavengers – but why? More importantly, is there anything we [...]

Is it really “separation anxiety”?

‘While the cat’s away, the mouse will play’ goes the saying. In our case it can be ‘While the human’s away, the dog will… bark, howl, toilet, chew, dig, [...]

The pros of little dogs

Little Dogs Rock! See a small dog trotting along and most people react. Ahhhs and oohs can also be ewws and ughs. Here in the UK people shout ‘Yappy!’ [...]

Should I adopt two dogs?

I am often asked if it is a good idea to get two puppies at the same time, or maybe get another dog when one is a little older. [...]

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